Thursday, April 29, 2010

Calling for Entries

The countdown begins…
Maternity leave has officially begun and the due date is just two weeks away!

Now is the time to cast your predictions.
The winner will receive one year’s free subscription to our blog (ha) and notoriety in knowing that you are the winner.

Here is how to cast your vote…
Reply through the “comments” section of the blog, or send an email to Eric at or me at List your prediction for gender, due date, and weight. All official entries will be posted. The bidding stops on the 6th of May or before if the baby decides it wants to be known earlier. So vote early!

As an FYI, the actual due date is May 10. (If it helps further, my daughter weighed 8 lbs 7 oz and was born 8 days late)

The winner will be evaluated in this order:
1. Gender of child
2. Due date
3. Weight

All entries are welcome, but just know that you may not be on my good side if you choose to pick a date in June, or a baby over 10 lbs.

Also of interest to us is your suggestion for a name...

Happy guessing.


Jenni said...

I love this game! Only two weeks away already?! How is it possibly that you're due that soon?

My midwives told me that if you're late with your first you're usually late with your seconds so...

1. Girl
2. May 15
3. 8lbs 13ozs

Amy said...

I think a need a photo of you and your current belly to inspire my guess. :)

Kristina said...

OK, here it goes:
May 12th
8 lbs, 12 oz.

Amy said...

Alice, Amy and Andy Brenengen guess:

Due Date: May 9
Flavor: Boy
Weight: 8 pounds 3 ounces

Sending you good baby vibes from the Brenengen Compound!

Auntie ann said...

Auntie Ann guesses the following:

1. Boy
2. May 12
3. 7lbs 13oz

I'm so excited - I can't stand it!

Anonymous said...

I pick....

1. Boy
2. May 12
3. 7lb 12oz

I am so excited that I can't stand it!

Auntie Ann

AKS said...

OK - here goes (note it is slightly amended from my previous e-mail since that due date passed)

Birth Date - May 7th
Birth weight - 8 lbs 9 oz

Name suggestion: Name - Enrique, Jr. Branna Tjossem (yep, his middle name should definitely be an homage to his favorite neighbors!)

We are thinking and praying for you guys during these last few weeks of your pregnancy!